Programmeertalen simpel uitgelegd door Common Craft ;-)
Gisteren heeft Common Craft een nieuwe video uitgebracht over programmeertalen:
Computers can perform amazing feats of speed, repetition and calculation. But what they are really doing is following instructions we write in programming languages. This video is designed to help people understand the role of programming languages in computers.
What it Teaches:
How do we tell computers what to do? Using the simple example of a computer controlling an oven’s temperature, we show how programming languages turn our ideas into instructions the computer can use. It teaches: 1.
Why programming languages matter, 2. How programming languages provide instructions to computers, 3. How we give computers a way to make decisions and 4. Why programming is challenging and important
Een simpele en effectieve uitleg (klik plaatje voor de video) over programmeertalen. Zeker te gebruiken in lessen ICT 😉