Leergang TEL: Digital Disruptions
Een van de bronnen die ik moet lezen is Digital Disruptions van het Leading Edge Forum. De bron start met het in historische volgorde zetten van de laatste drie revoluties: Industrial Revolution, the Computer Revolution, recent, the Internet Revolution. De Internet Revolution is gestart aan het eind van de 20-ste eeuw, en is nog maar net begonnen. De Internet Revolution wordt gevormd door zeven digital disruptions:
New Media – “New media is the ordinary person — you and me — creating and sharing life experiences through videos,” says the report. “It is the citizen journalist, the blogger, the podcaster, the basement musician, the cell phone author.”
Living in a new reality – Virtual worlds obliterate time and space boundaries imposed by the physical world, enabling us to do what would be impossible — or nearly impossible — in our real environments.
Social Power – “We have the unprecedented ability to find the experts and people we want to work with no matter where they are in the world, and we can bring that ability to bear as we share ideas and solve problems more quickly than ever before.”
Information transparancy – “If someone goes to a hotel in Ohio or Paris,” says Fuss, “and takes a picture with their cell phone camera of the broken tile in the bathroom and shares that with the rest of the world, the hotel cannot hide the fact that they have poor maintenance.” The hotel must either improve its maintenance or lose business to its competition. “What is observed by one will be known to all,” the report asserts.
New wave of waves – “Imagine a day when your mobile phone works on any wireless network, not just your carrier’s network,” says the report, “or emergency responders can carry one radio that communicates with firefighters, police, federal emergency responders, the National Guard and others seamlessly and reliably.”
Platform makeover – With our increasing expectation to be able to access our work products from anywhere and share them with anyone at anytime, the computing platform naturally shifts toward more virtualization and cloud computing. Centralizing data center resources on the Internet — the cloud — is a radical departure from business-as-usual servers owned and operated inside enterprise walls.
Smarter World – Get ready for a smart(er) technology landscape that includes avatars that not only understand language but can also reason. With Web 3.0, commonly referred to as the Semantic Web, the Internet shifts from word-centric to meaning-centric computing. Next up is Web 4.0, which promises automated reasoning.
Bovenstaande zeven digital disruptions worden kort en bondig uitgelegd in de samenvatting van het rapport op deze plek. De 21ste eeuw zal meer digital disruptions kennen, waardoor een nieuwe economie zal ontstaan: networked information economy.